Size variations of silica nanoparticle control uptake efficiency and delivery of AC2-derived dsRNA for Sustainable Plant Disease Management

We report the size dependent uptake of dsRNA loaded MSNPs into the leaves and roots of Nicotiana benthamiana plants and accessed for their relative reduction in Tomato leaf curl New Delhi viral load. A non-GMO method of RNA interference (RNAi) has been recently in practice through direct delivery of double stranded RNA into the plant cells. Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV), a bipartitie begomovirus, is a significant viral pathogen of many crops in the Indian subcontinent. Conventional RNAi cargo delivery strategies for instance uses viral vectors and Agrobacterium-facilitated delivery, exhibiting specific host responses from the plant system. In the present study, we synthesized three different sizes of amine-functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles (amino-MSNPs) to mediate the delivery of dsRNA derived from the AC2 (dsAC2) gene of ToLCNDV and showed that these dsRNA loaded nanoparticles enabled effective reduction in viral load. Furthermore, we demonstrate that amino-MSNPs protected the dsRNA molecules from nuclease degradation, while the complex was efficiently taken up by the leaves and roots of Nicotiana benthamiana. The real time gene expression evaluation showed that plants treated with nanoparticles of different sizes ~ 10 nm (MSNPDEA), ~ 32 nm (MSNPTEA) and ~ 66 nm (MSNPNH3) showed five-, eleven- and threefold reduction of ToLCNDV in N. benthamiana, respectively compared to the plants treated with naked dsRNA. This work clearly demonstrates the size dependent internalization of amino-MSNPs and relative efficacy in transporting dsRNA into the plant system, which will be useful in convenient topical treatment to protect plants against their pathogens including viruses. Mesoporous silica nanoparticles loaded with FITC, checked for its uptake into Nicotiana benthamiana.