Hydrogen, an energy carrier, is deemed as a prospective substitute for fossil fuels. Data from different articles, published documents show that the consumption of hydrogen is increasing globally, and it has increased 23% in 2020 than 2015. Different sectors such as transport and power are expected to switch to greener and cleaner energy, such as hydrogen, because it produces zero or near zero emission. To achieve net zero goal by 2050, around 530Mt of hydrogen is needed and it has been forecasted that sectors such as transport and power will dominate the consumption of hydrogen in future. Many countries are adopting or enacting policy to incorporate hydrogen into the energy sector as a substitute of fossil fuel to curb emission. This paper briefly reviewed global hydrogen production scenario, and its applications and policy in different countries and continents/sub-continents. Literatures suggest that the electrolysis method of hydrogen production is above other techniques in terms of technology and commercial readiness level. Many countries have significantly invested on research and infrastructure development to incorporate hydrogen in their energy sector. The paper will provide an in depth understanding of the global hydrogen production scenario, and its application and formulated policy in different countries.