Enhancing Routing Efficiency and Performance in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Using Deep Learning Techniques

Abstract— MANET stands for Mobile Ad-hoc Network also
called wireless Ad-hoc Network or Ad-hoc Wireless Network. It is
a decentralized wireless network consisting of mobile devices
(nodes) that communicate with each other without relying on a
fixed infrastructure. MANET forms a highly dynamic
autonomous topology with the presence of one or multiple
different transceivers between modes. MANETs consist of a peer
to-peer, self-configuring and self-healing modes. Mobile Ad-hoc
Network has wide range of applications such as military and
defense operations, healthcare, sensor networks, wireless sensor
networks, Internet of Things (IoT) etc. In order to enhance the
routing efficiency and performance in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
(MANETs) this paper proposing different deep learning
Keywords— Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks, Wireless Network
Topology, Wireless Communication, Deep Learning.