Analysis of the Modeling of the Influence of Decentralized Solar Energy PV on the Intensity of Short-circuit Currents of the Power Electric System

Several advantages are linked to the integration of
renewable decentralized production sources into electrical networks,
including the reduction of line losses, etc. However, the integration
of decentralized energies, particularly solar PV, can lead to
variations in the direction or amplitude of currents in steady state,
variations in short-circuit currents, changes in voltage, variations in
measured impedances, etc. These variations can have a negative
influence on the proper functioning of the protection plan, including
protection blinding or false tripping. This article presents a
simulation model to predict the influence of the integration of
decentralized solar PV energies on the intensity of short-circuit
currents and the short-circuit power at a node of a power electrical
system. The mathematical equations developed for modeling the
energy elements of the electrical network in which the solar PV RED
is integrated were based on Kirchhoff’s laws and on the currentvoltage characteristic of the modules. The simulation model was
validated using experimental data from a grid-connected PV system
installed in DR Congo. 2D simulations based on proposed models
were developed as well as the verification of the consistency of the
different models, by comparing the fractal dimensions of the results
of our program with those of the figures obtained experimentally.
The results obtained show that the integration of PV solar generators
into the grid has a direct impact on the short-circuit current and the
short-circuit power at the connection point. The aspects developed
in this article could have direct implications in practical applications
in the engineering and design of grid-connected PV systems.